我们使用 Crowdin 来翻译 Plume、joinplu.me 网站和本文档。 所有的原文都是英语,所以你需要懂英语,并且熟练掌握另外一门语言来帮助我们翻译。
要翻译Plume和相关项目,第一步是创建一个 Crowdin 帐户(除非你已经有一个)。
您可以在这里注册。 它只会向您询问典型的注册信息。 您还可以使用其他平台的帐户登录 (比如GitHub)。
- Plume:Plume界面本体。
- Plume文档:您正在阅读的文档。
- Joinplu.me:介绍Plume的网站。
其中一个页面,您可以找到一个语言列表。 选择您想要进行翻译的语言。
If your language is not in the list, tell us, we will add it.
一旦您选择了一种语言,您将看到要翻译的文件列表。 找到一个未100%完成的,并打开它。 Something like that should load:
- In yellow (left sidebar), you have the list of strings to translate. Those with a green square are already translated, those with a red one are still to be done.
- In blue (middle-top area), you have the actual editor, with on the top the original string, and under
it, the box where you write translations. Sometimes, some context will be given next to the original string.
And there is a button to save your translations too (you can do
to save without leaving your keyboard too). - In red (middle-bottom area), you have previous suggestions made by other people, and translations suggested by various translation services. They can sometimes be helpful, but most of the time, nothing is better than human translations.
- And finally, in purple (right sidebar), you have an area where you can leave comments or ask questions. For instance, if you need more context about a string, you can ask here. We will try to answer you as fast as possible, but we are not working full-time on Plume, so don’t worry if you don’t get a reply in 5 minutes.
In-context translations
Crowdin also provides a quite useful tool, called “in-context translations”. It allows you to translate website, while browsing them, and thus having all the context to understand what needs to be done.
We installed this tool for the documentation and joinplu.me (we may install it for Plume too one day, but it is a bit more complicated). You can go on translate.docs.joinplu.me and translate.joinplu.me to use it.
When translating Plume (and related projects), please try to follow these rules:
- Be as inclusive as possible: if your langage has a form of inclusive writing, use it. The style of inclusive that is choosen is not very important (just try to keep coherent with what is already done).
- Don’t be too formal (but stay polite!).
Translation guides
That’s it, you know everything you need to translate Plume! Thank you for your help!