Translators Guide

Explains how to translate Plume, and this documentation

We use Crowdin to translate Plume, the website and the documentation. All the original text are in English, so you will need to understand it, and to be fluent in another language to help us with translation.

Create a Crowdin account

To translate Plume and the related projects, the first step is thus to create a Crowdin account (unless you already have one).

You can register here. It will just ask you the typical registration information. You can also sign in with an account from other platforms if you want (GitHub for instance).

Join one of the Plume projects

All the strings that need to be translated can be found in one of these projects:

One these pages, you will find a list of languages. Select the one you want to translate.

The list of all currently available languages

If your language is not in the list, tell us, we will add it.

Once you selected a language, you will see a list of files to translate. Find one that is not 100% complete, and open it. Something like that should load:

The Crowdin editor

Let’s see what we have here.

The Crowdin editor, but with colors for the different areas

In-context translations

Crowdin also provides a quite useful tool, called “in-context translations”. It allows you to translate website, while browsing them, and thus having all the context to understand what needs to be done.

We installed this tool for the documentation and (we may install it for Plume too one day, but it is a bit more complicated). You can go on and to use it.

An example of in-context translation


When translating Plume (and related projects), please try to follow these rules:

Translation guides

That’s it, you know everything you need to translate Plume! Thank you for your help!