
你是否发现了错误? 我们也许可以一起解决这个错误。

Plume并不完美,可能会有一些错误。 如果你发现一些看起来不对劲的地方(如显示问题、语法错误等),你可以向我们报告,这样我们就可以修复错误。


If the issue is about Plume itself, go on Gitea issues page (GitHub issues page). Then, all you have to do is to fill the title and the description of your issue, and to validate.

If your issue isn’t about Plume itself, find the appropriate repository in the list(GitHub), go to the “Issues” tab, click the green “New issue” button, and describe your problem.

If you don’t have a Gitea nor GitHub account

If you don’t have a Gitea nor GitHub account, and don’t want to create one, you can also report your issue on Matrix. Join the Plume room as explained in this guide, and send a message explaining what is wrong. We will take care of creating an issue on Gitea or GitHub for you.